Ellen Wille Color Chart
Use the links below to jump to a specific color collection.
Click on any color to see the products that come in that color!
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Ellen Wille Color Philosophy
Ellen Wille has a unique approach to colors. When an Ellen Wille style is designed, the color is customized to perfectly suit the style. This means that different styles that have the same color name may not actually be using the same color fibers. There are three parts to choosing a color: the color breakdown, the color distribution, and the color variation.
Color Breakdown
Consider the example below. Each of these images is a wig in the color Sandy Blonde Rooted. The color has been customized for each of these wigs.

To know exactly which color a wig comes in, we turn to the color breakdowns. The color breakdown is like an ingredient list that tells you exactly which fiber colors are blended together to get the overall look. In the first picture above, Sandy Blonde Rooted is made up of 16 (Medium Blonde), 22 (Light Neutral Blonde), and 26 (Light Golden Blonde). Ellen Wille uses the following color families:
- Black: 1 - 1B | Black to Soft Black
- Brown: 2 - 12 | Darkest Brown to Lightest Brown
- Blonde: 14 - 25 | Dark Ash Blonde to Light Golden Blonde
- Red: 26 - 33, 130 - 133 | Medium Gold Blonde to Red Violet
- Gray: 36 - 61 | Low to High Percent Gray Blends and Pure White
- Platinum: 101 - 1001 | Pearl Platinum and Winter White
Color Distribution
The next thing to understand about the Ellen Wille colors is the way that the different colors in the blend are mixed and placed on the wig. This has to do with the color distribution. The different distributions are described below.

- Mixed or Mix: All colors are mixed with an even distribution of all the colors being used throughout the style. (example: Chocolate Mix)
- Rooted or Shaded: A mixed color with a darker root throughout the entire style mimics natural regrowth. (example: Cream Blonde Shaded)
- Lighted: A mixed color with a concentrated amount of highlighting in the front to open and brighten up the face-framing area. (example: Chocolate Lighted)
- Tipped: Lighter tipped ends, similar to an ombre effect. (example: Candy Blonde Tipped)
- Toned: A root applied only to the top and crown area of the style. (example: Champagne Toned)
Color Variations
In addition to the color distribution, some colors will be darker, lighter, or more warm-toned. This will be part of the color name. The color variations are described below.
Dark: More lowlights
A darker variation of a mixed color made darker overall by using the darkest color as the most dominant, creating additional depth. Creates the illusion of lowlights on the original mixed color. (example: Dark Chocolate Mix) -
Light: More highlights
A lighter and brighter variation of a mixed color made lighter overall by using the lightest color as the most dominant, creating a lighter effect. (example: Light Champagne Rooted) -
Hot: More warmth + bold highlights
A warmer variation of a mixed color made more vibrant overall by using the warmest color as the most dominant with bold highlights, creating a warm effect. Found prominantly in red and auburn colors. (example: Hot Mocca Rooted)
Using this Colorchart
The colors in this chart are sorted by color family. Each swatch is for a specific color breakdown, and if you click on the swatch, you can see all the wigs that come in a color with that breakdown. The possible colors for each color breakdown are also listed below the swatch. Each wig may have a different color distribution and color variation, so make sure to refer to the wig's page for an actual picture of that wig in that color, as well as a description of the color for that specific wig.
We hope this helps on your wig journey! If you have any questions, please let us know!