
Hi, my name is Frannie. In 2021, I started a YouTube channel, Frannie's Square, to share my love of crochet. My YouTube community grew, and I made so many wonderful new friends.
My hair has been thinning for a while, and just recently I worked up the courage to buy my first wig (actually a topper) that mimicked my bio hair. Most people, even my close friends and family, didn't know I was wearing it. It was life-changing for me. I used to spend an hour every day puffing up my little thimble of hair (my kids once told me that my bun looked like a nipple on the back of my head). Since then, my one topper has turned into a collection of over 40 wigs.
I decided to share my wig journey on my YouTube channel, and the response was overwhelming. I found that many women face this same issue, either from illness or aging, and so many wrote me emails and comments thanking me for talking about the issue and sharing information about alternative hair. They said it gave them confidence to give wigs/toppers a try.
Since then, it has become a goal of mine to help anyone who wants to explore alternative hair solutions. And in the process, I'm having a blast playing with all different styles, features, fibers,...I'm learning so much.
Thank you for visiting my site. If I can be of help to you on your journey, please let me know. We're all in this together.❤️